Dear x,
I would like to apply to do a Management degree. Having acted as ManagingDirector on a Young Enterprise Team whilst doing my ‘AS’ levels, I came up withinnovative ideas that made a very successful company. Having held managementpositions within Human Resources, Operations, and Finance, I quickly realisedthat pursuing a management degree at university would be ideal for me.
After my GCSE’s, I held a temporary job as a junior in an Insolvencypractice, in order to gain work experience. Having to work to tight deadlinestaught me how to work independently as part of a professional team. I learntthat in business, if one person lacks productivity, then everyone else cansuffer, and also how to motivate others as a means of preventing such issues. Iused the skills learnt to enhance my role as the Managing Director of my youngEnterprise company, particularly methods of motivation and delegation, and thesignificance of being accountable for others. Having spent nearly three yearsworking part time in a Health food shop alongside my studies, I developed mycommunication skills, with both colleagues and customers, and proved to be atrustworthy employee.
Being appointed as Deputy Head Boy in the sixth form was a great honour tome. My skills were greatly enhanced by holding this position, as I would oftenhave to listen, and respond to issues brought up by fellow prefects, andstudents lower down the school. Through activities such as Lunch duty, I learntthe worth of different leadership skills, and that it is important to treateveryone as an individual in order to get results. I was always keen to stayinto the evening to help out at school events.
Socialising is very important to me, and I am always keen to meet newpeople. I enjoy trying new foods to increase my knowledge of different cultures,and my culinary skills will prove very useful in independent university life. Ienjoy travelling, and learning about modern history. Having recently returnedfrom Prague, I visited a concentration camp. This was a moving experience forme, and something I will never forget. Music is one of my biggest hobbies, and Iuse music to help me unwind and reflect on things. I use the internet to keep upwith current affairs and sports news.
I have always been a keen sportsman, representing my school in manysporting activities. I enjoy running, particularly competing in sprint races,but also long distance running as a means of keeping fit. I always try to go fora run every evening, during breaks between my A Level studies. I represented myschool as a keen member of the district and Maccabi Great Britain athleticsteams, particularly in the relay. I formally played tennis and table tennis innational competitions, and more recently I have played in football, rugby, andcricket leagues outside of school.
I believe that my experiences have prepared me for independent universitylife. My social skills together with my ambition to succeed in life prove me tobe good candidate for a Management Degree.
Yours sincerely,